

Are you poured out? Is there nothing left to give? Has your strength been used up and you are left weak? It is not uncommon to feel used up and poured out. The good news is that you don’t have to stay that way. You can make an exchange with God. You can present your emptiness to God and ask for His promised provision.

Ephesians 3:14-19 explains how this works.

  1. Address the Father as originator of every created being and your creator. He knows how you think, what capacity you have, and how empty you feel right now.
  2. Ask for His “granting”; a giving of something just because you ask and He has it within his abundance to provide.
  3. Request power (ability) through the Holy Spirit in the innermost part of you to strengthen you, making you strong.
  4. Invite Christ Jesus to abide in your inmost being by a holding tightly to the great extent of your Savior’s love for you.
  5. Experience the love of God that is more than facts, but is an actual complete filling of God within you. . . The Abiding Presence of your Savior.

The next time you feel empty and without strength, take these 5 steps to pray for God to fill you up, make you complete, and adequate for any task you encounter. Look for His meeting you in your emptiness and providing His power, strength, and complete filling. He will do more abundantly than all you can ask or think because of His power that performs within you.

Pray this for a friend or family member too when you sense they are weak or empty.

God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Written By: Anne Gurley

Worship God In Song About His Strength Completing You When You Feel Weak

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