Transformational Truths

Reviewing God’s Benefit Package

Personal finance gurus recommend a regular review of personal finances in order to optimize investment returns. In God’s economy, it is necessary to review the benefit package we enjoy to get the highest advantage for our involvement.

Many individuals establish a financial benefit package and revisit it very little. It is usually when there is a problem, a new goal arises, or they experience a life changing event that thought is given to personal finances. Likewise, in the spiritual life of individuals, we are on “auto-pilot” instead of regularly reviewing the investment we are making in God’s economy.

Life gets busy and distracts us from remembering the advantages we have in our relationship with God. We neglect the customary returns in our spiritual tank. Often we fail to regularly evaluate tweaks needed to optimize balances.

Psalm 103 provides us a guide to our spiritual account balance assessment. We can do five things regularly to review the benefit package we have in God’s economy.

  • List all the evils in your life that steal your companionship with God.
  • State all the sicknesses in your character that rob you of spiritual health and vitality.
  • Think of all the circumstances that tear you apart and keep you oppressed.
  • Evaluate the display of love and compassion you don’t show.
  • Summarize all the hardships in your life that keep you unsatisfied.

Taking these actions allow you to see all the negative things in your life, all the things that keep you stuck, make you feel depressed, and keep you down. They represent all your lack, all the ways you’re not enough, and the parts of you that need help. These lists and summaries represent what is needed in your spiritual tank.

With each inventory of need, concentrate on the benefit of God.

  • God pays the debt for all the evils in our life that steal our companionship with Him. He who knew no sin, became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
  • God removes the death and destruction that come from the ongoing sicknesses in our life that steal our spiritual energy. He bore our sickness by the punishment and hurt He experienced. He brings us healing of all our diseases. (Isaiah 53:5)
  • God liberated us so that we will not experience death, but have the same power of God that raised Christ Jesus to life giving us life. (Romans 8:11)
  • God spared not His own Son but freely gave Him so that we would display the evidence that we are joined to Him. (Romans 8:31; James 1:18)
  • God keeps providing everything we need for life and godliness through knowing Him. (2 Peter 1:3)

As you review the benefits of God’s plan for your life regularly, you will be able to have a full spiritual tank. You will be unable to resist saying with the Psalmist, “Bless The LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.”

Try this little exercise today and regularly. You will find counting your blessings, naming them one by one, will truly surprise, excite you, and fill you with all the Lord has done!

Written By: Anne Gurley

“Those who have not penned in their memories the remarkable instances of God’s loving favor to them miss comforts sweet companionship.” ~William Gurnall

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